• Wellness

    The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.

    A mother bonding with her baby, postpartum. Coping with and addressing postpartum mood disorders, or other mental health concerns, is key to the new parents' and baby's health.

    Recognizing Postpartum Mood Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders

    We’ve all seen the commercials for diapers and other baby products that depict postpartum life for moms and newborns as … Continued

    A therapist goes to therapy for herself, she sits next to her therapist who is listening intently.

    5 Tips for Therapists Who Are Seeking Their Own Therapists

    Over the next few years, the demand for mental health care is expected to increase in the United States. Data … Continued

    Two female therapists sit together in the sunset and discuss therapist burnout

    Therapists Are Burning Out—Here’s Why, What the Impact Is, and How to Help

    With its electronic health record (EHR) and practice management platform serving more than U.S.-based health and wellness practitioners, SimplePractice aims … Continued

    guided meditations for therapists

    8 Free Guided Meditations for Therapist Self-Care

    Between sessions, writing progress notes, and dealing with insurance and invoices, being a behavioral health clinician isn’t easy. It can … Continued

    A woman has her headphones in and her eyes closed as she listens to a mental health podcast. Get inspired by listening to these therapy podcasts.

    7 Inspiring Mental Health and Therapy Podcasts

    In honor of World Mental Health Day on October 10, SimplePractice launched a series of resources, guides, and articles that … Continued

    Female therapist massages her pained shoulder while doing her therapist self care plan

    Therapist Self-Care Checklist

    If you’re seeking therapist self-care ideas and information, we’ve got you covered. Self-care for therapists is absolutely essential.  In honor … Continued

    A woman wondering how to talk about suicide comforts another woman having suicidal thoughts

    How to Talk About Suicide

    If you’re wondering how to talk about suicide, you’re not alone. Suicide is an incredibly difficult topic. Even therapists, counselors, … Continued

    Female therapist who needs help learning how to overcome procrastination falls asleep at their desk

    How to Overcome Procrastination

    If you’re wondering how to overcome procrastination or searching for scientific ways to stop procrastinating, we’ve got you covered.  This … Continued

    colorful abstract art

    Overcoming Personal Barriers to Self-Care

    As part of my work and personal experience with burnout, I created a tool to help myself and other practitioners … Continued

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