• Inspiration

    The stories empowering you to achieve more.

    best features for telehealth

    What Are the Best Features for Telehealth?

    Whether or not you’ve chosen to embrace it to provide therapy or other mental health services, telehealth is here to … Continued

    A woman sits under a tree outside, using her between-session minutes to meditate.

    4 Tips for Therapists to Benefit From Time Between Sessions

    It’s five minutes before your next client’s session and you still haven’t taken a sip of coffee, gone for a … Continued

    A therapist sits down and opens up her laptop to manage her client waitlist. Find out how to build a client waitlist.

    How to Build a Client Waitlist

    Recognizing the growing need for mental health services, and in service of alleviating the administrative burdens of overflowing clinician caseloads, … Continued

    How Telehealth Video Therapy Improves Access

    Growing up in the African American community in Chicago, it was a lot more common for the people I knew … Continued

    plants and comfortable chair with various other therapy office furniture in a therapist office space

    Therapist Office Decorating Ideas

    Looking for therapist office decorating ideas and inspiration? In this article, we’ll share suggestions, tips, and therapy office decor ideas … Continued

    Clients sit in a circle next to therapist who's implementing group therapy room design best practices

    Group Therapy Room Design

    Group therapy room design can greatly add to the ambiance you’re trying to evoke during a group therapy session. In … Continued

    A woman has her headphones in and her eyes closed as she listens to a mental health podcast. Get inspired by listening to these therapy podcasts.

    7 Inspiring Mental Health and Therapy Podcasts

    In honor of World Mental Health Day on October 10, SimplePractice launched a series of resources, guides, and articles that … Continued

    A joyful teenager sits on their bed watercolor painting. An example of art therapy activities for teenagers.

    Art Therapy Activities for Teenagers

    There are many benefits of art therapy for mental health. Importantly, art therapy activities for teenagers provide teen clients a … Continued

    A female therapy client paints using multiple colors on an easel as an art therapy activity for anxiety and PTSD

    Art Therapy Activities PDF for Anxiety and PTSD

    Art therapy can promote engagement in clients resistant to traditional therapy interventions. This art therapy activities PDF list includes art … Continued

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